NewsFlash is a RSS and ATOM feed reader that helps you in staying in touch with the world with latest News Updates on Business, Entertainment, Politics, Sports, Top Stories or just anything on your iPad from your favorite websites, blogs, forums or any source that publishes RSS or ATOM feeds.
You can add and manage your favorite RSS feed bookmarks into 8 different categories:
1. Business and Finance
2. Entertainment
3. Health and Fitness
4. Sports
5. Science and Technology
6. Top Stories
7. Travel
8. Others
With NewsFlash on your iPad its like carrying an updated news paper with you that delivers only what you need.
1. Get latest News Updates on your iPad, supports ATOM, RSS and RDF formats.
2. Read the Summary for each headline and/or visit the news link to read the complete story.
3. Share news articles by Email, Facebook or Twitter with your friends.
4. Share all headlines by Email
5. Supports offline reading.
6. Import your RSS or ATOM bookmarks easily via OPML files.